How To Fix a Leaky Faucet In Portland?

How To Fix A Leaky Faucet

If you are annoyed by a leaky faucet and don’t know how to fix your leaky faucet living in portland we are here to guide you. Preventing leaky faucet problems is one of the most common types of calls Portland and Lake Oswego plumbing professionals get. Maybe a leaky faucet is driving you crazy and you do is decide on the kind of faucet you have. You might be confused if you should contact a plumber in Portland or Lake Oswego, try the steps below to see if you can repair it yourself.

Basic Steps For How To Fix a Leaky Faucet

1) Make Sure Your Working Environment Is Ready.

A good plumbing job begins with properly preparing the area and collecting the equipment you’ll need, as Hillsboro and Lake Oswego plumbers will tell you. Prepare a space where you may layout the components. Gather the necessary equipment, which typically includes a crescent wrench, multiple screwdrivers, and plumber’s grease.

Apply duct tape to the jaws of your wrenches to keep them from damaging sink fixtures. To clean any mineral buildup on the leaky faucet components, you’ll need a jar filled with distilled white vinegar and a gentle scouring pad. Turn off the water beneath the sink last. Place a cloth over the drain to ensure you don’t lose any faucet components. this is one of the basic steps to fix a leaky faucet

2)  Specify The Kind Of Faucet.

In general, there are four types of leaky faucets: ball-type, ceramic disc, cartridge or sleeve, and compression. The first three types of faucets have a single handle that rises to open the water valve and maybe pushed right or left to adjust the water temperature.

Ceramic disc faucets include a ceramic cylinder under the handle, while ball faucets use a ball-shaped component directly beneath the handle. Cartridge faucets, also known as sleeve faucets, use a long, thin cartridge instead of the ball in a ball-type faucet. To distinguish between ball-type, ceramic disc, and cartridge faucets, you may need to remove the decorative handle cover.

3)  Conduct Appropriate Repairs According To The Type Of Leaky Faucet.

The second thing you do is decide on the kind of faucet you have. Here is a look at the various faucet-type and how can fix these various faucets leaks

  • Compression Faucets

Wearing seat washers or o-rings cause most compression faucet leaks. Remove the ornamental cap from the top of each faucet to access the seat washers. Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the handle screw. Remove the handle and the packing nut with your crescent wrench. The stem must also be unscrewed. To replace the seat washer, remove the brass screw that holds it in place. Prepare new seat washers with nontoxic plumber’s grease.

  • Ball-type Faucets

This kind of leaky faucet contains several complex parts. Instead of tearing their hair out trying to locate the faulty components, many homeowners just replace the entire mounting. The procedure is the same as previously, except that a ball-shaped faucet must be dismantled by a needle-nose pin.

  • Ceramic Disc Faucets

While the ceramic cylinder in a ceramic disc faucet is seldom needed, the neoprene seals will need to be replaced. First, tip the valve back to access the base’s set screw. Remove the set screw and the bottom cap to remove the hose (the escutcheon cap). The ceramic cylinder is held in place by three screws; remove them to reveal the neoprene seals underneath. Remember to clean all parts with white vinegar and a cleaning pad before assembling. When you’re ready to test your work, carefully reopen the faucet. Too much water may damage the ceramic disc.

  • Cartridge Faucets

The rubber o-rings are like a compressor or ball-type valves. To get to the o-rings, dismantle the valve. Notify me of updates to this page. Cut off the old o-rings using a needle-nose pin and a knife. Generally, the cartridge should be changed; just remember to bring the old one with you to the hardware shop.


This is all about how to fix a leaky faucet Visit our website for more information